Prof. K. K.
you see the big picture without losing sight of the detail? Do you have the
ability to balance passion with pragmatism? Are you quick thinking? Level
headed? Do you have an agile mind? - Advertisement for Management Trainees by Deutsche
What you are seeing above is the description of an ideal Management Trainee. The qualities which corporates are looking for, irrespective of the domain area, will be on above lines. From my experience, I have observed that the ideal way to prepare for placement is to start early-from Day One that you are here in the campus. The task before you is to convert a “commodity” (yourself) into a “brand” in the two years that you are with us. In this case, the “commodity” is a vibrant human being with “infinite potential”!
The foremost quality that you should aim to
possess is self-awareness. That is, a realistic awareness of your strengths and
weaknesses. This refers to your proficiency in desired areas (quantitative ability,
English language proficiency, subject proficiency, the attitude one adopts
towards achieving one’s goals, attitude towards others, sense of optimism or
can do attitude etc.) Once you identify your strengths and weaknesses, work on
strengthening the area which you consider “weak”.
Learn to “connect the dots”. In the world
of business, every event is connected with some other event. For example, if
demand for a certain category of goods is falling, it may be due to a shift in consumer
taste, change in income levels, availability of low priced substitutes,
inflation, change in technology etc. So be consciously aware of the “interconnectedness”
of things and consciously cultivate the art of making connection by reading financial
and regular newspapers, magazines, accessing useful internet sources like Wikipedia
etc. Recruiters are on the lookout for nimble minds who can connect dots fast.
This ability, signals the potential in you, which is a much valued trait which
is predictive of success.
Be consistent in your habits, including
study hours. “Last minute” preparation technique will be disastrous here. And aim
at attaining a good academic level right from the First Trimester itself.
Learn from your peers, in addition to other
regular sources of learning. You will find talented peers in the class who are proficient
in certain areas where you’re not that strong. Interact and do networking with
them to learn from them. Also gradually learn to connect with your seniors and
super seniors, who are BIMTECH alumni through the INMOS platform, unique to insurance
Hone your communication skills and
interpersonal skills by participating in BIMTECH Clubs like Majlis, QCB or by
taking active part in CCR activities. Do not hesitate to ask questions in class
and join the classroom discussions to get rid of your fear of speaking before
an audience.
Interact with your faculty who are always
there to help you–and get your doubts clarified as soon as doubts arise. Keep
proper class and other notes.
Make full use of our amazing library
facilities and the various data banks with the library. (“Reading maketh a
ready man” said Bacon.) You will evolve into a “quick thinker”.
Visualize a preferred career specialization
in the area of your choice and start building up a knowledge base in the area.
Also cultivate the qualities of Curiosity, Insight, Engagement and
Determination, eagerly sought by recruiters.
Adopt constructive ways to de-stress
yourself (like Yoga, Meditation, Light Cycling, Gym etc.). Try to keep yourself
cheerful and motivated. Recruiters prefer optimists!
[P.S. - The unstated Xth Commandment is: Be totally
Honest in your thoughts, words and deeds.]
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